Hello, my name is Daisy. I am the puppy doggy that lives with Mr & Mrs Kirstykins, they are my mummy & daddy. They are lovely lovely people. They give me lovely food and toys and take me out on lovely walkies. Sometimes they say that NO word to me a lot.... usually when I have one of Mummy's shoes in my mouth. I don't know why because it tastes delicious.
Today has been a fun day. I was allowed on the big bed because it was Daddy's birthday, we had snuzzles, but then I decided that it would be more fun to hide my toys under the pillows then go and chase Cookie about. Sometimes I like to lick Cookies ears, they taste lovely. I might sniff her bum too. Cookie is supposed to be my sister, but I think she is adopted as she doesnt look or sound like me one little bit!!
Mummy let me have some of her breakfast, was some of Speshul K. It was really yummy.
I then found a box with these long things with pretty coloured paper on and inside there were these long cardboardy things and inside them were these fluffy white thingies that looked like thin micees. They were great....... I managed to open about 5 before I got caught out. They must have been for Mummy as she only brings them out when she is grumpy and she was grumpy when she saw me with them, she did say that NO word to me again.
Mummy & Daddy took me out for a walk but I was very scared because of the big bangy things in the sky, they rushed me round and back home as quickly as possible. I decided that I didn't want to do weewee outside so I did it on the rug by the door instead. I don't think they will notice though.
Mummy has given me lots of delicious treats tonight. I am pretending that I don't like my food because Cookies food and treats taste much better. Tonight I had white fish flavoured stuff that Cookie has and about 15 little treats too. Its much nicer than that tinned stuff mummy has started buying for me.
I also found a black and silver thing that mummy strokes her head with. I think its called a brush. The handle on that is great to chew.
Anyway. I shall go and hide my chewy chew chews under mummy and daddies pillow now then have a snuzzle then go to sleep.
Night Nights. x x x x x x x x x

aww, I luffed daisy's little story xxx
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