So, we got a bit of snow today. Yeyyy. It didn't stick because it had been raining for about 2 hours before hand. But it has been cold the last few days. Very frosty at night and first thing in the morning. I am lucky as most of my car is protected, but not at workies, and it was thick with frost the other night.
So its snowed really hard. I was watching it for ages. Tried to take a picture but it was rubbish so I deleted it.
Mr Kirstykins saw our batty neighbour knocking on her own front door today.
She lives alone and doesn't have visitors.
Lunatic if you ask me.
Mum says that we should avoid her at all times as this type of person is very dangerous. A serial complainer to the police about things that I wouldn't do, couldn't do, would never do and never did. She can't submit any evidence of these incidents.
Her latest trick is the security light outside. She keeps it on and it shines in our front door, and at night she makes it come on then off to make Daisy scared.
All last night Daisy just kept staring at the door making whiney noises and wouldn't go near the door too.
It's abvoius that this woman is doing this to tourment our lil Daisy.
I hope someone pours poo in her letter box tomorrow night. Because I don't like her. And, she has pissed that many people off, I am absolutely possitive that something will be done in the tricky treaty festivities. and it wont be a treat for her I can tell you. I won't do anything although I am tempted!! What could be funnier than playing knock-a-door-run on a batty demented ole cow of a neighbour tee hee. Seriously though, I hate halloween so I think that Mr Kirstykins & I will be taking a trip out for tea. I can't stand the constant barrage of kids & teenagers banging on your door for sweets and cash, well its cash these days isn't it.
I have found a fab website. I maybe a little slow on the uptake on this one and you may already know about it, but I didn't know that there were such sites, and I really love this particular one. Basically, you make your own book. You can buy one book or lots of books, it can be a picture book or a blog book, and lots of other styles or make your own. Its fab. I am going to do a couple for Christmas prezzies of our wedding pictures as we don't have an album. I don't think it is unreasonably priced too. I am having fun messing around with the program you download. I love it.
Anyhoo, the sink is leaking............... Cosmic! Everything under the sink is sodden. So I am just going to go do some plumbing. Just call me Plumber Kir.
No, please don't!!
Night Night. Sleep Tight.
Love from Me, Him & Them!!!
plumber kir lol! Leave the plumbing to mr kirstykins, please.
I hate halloween too, they don't even dress up around here, they knock on the door, and when you answer they are stood their with their hands out, makes me maaadd, and I let them know I'm mad, and thas scary, they don't forget me in hurry. I am working though tonight, at sains, and Keith is going over t'pub, to get away from them. Your neighbour is a nut nut.
x lynbo x
P.S that Blurb site looks fab, I might make a couple of christmas pressy albums too, I have undreds of pictures, many of which would make a nice pressie for someone, i.e my sea pics for my friend Pat and family one for my mum, thanks for the link x
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